About This Blog ~ This blog is about a series of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) super-hero, sci-fi, fantasy adventure novels called Rainbow Arc of Fire. The main characters are imbued with extraordinary abilities. Their exploits are both varied and exciting, from a GLBT and a human perspective. You can follow Greg, Paul, Marina, Joan, William, and Joseph, as well as several others along the way, as they battle extraordinary foes or take on environmental threats all around the globe and even in outer space. You can access synopses of the ten books using the individual links on the upper, left-hand column.

The more recent posts are about events or issues that either are mentioned in one or more books in the series or at least influenced the writing of the series.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Air California Electra, Orange County Airport

Taken from the observation level. Inside was a restaurant. I remember Dave and I discussing going to San Francisco some day as we sat on the upper level and talked. We eventually would go with both our sisters, Debbie and Ann. I didn't bring a camera, but Dave did. We drove up in my 1966 Mustang GT convertible, with a woman almost running us off the road north of San Luis Obispo as she swerved to avoid a dead squirrel in the middle of her lane. We had stopped at a gas station just moments earlier for fuel and refreshments, so hot chocolate spilled all over those of us in the backseat. As we angrily passed her, she looked over apologetically for almost killing all four of us because both lanes narrowed at a bridge and we could easily have slammed into the start of the railing. But since we were all young and still had our reflexes, Dave was instantly able to swerve to avoid her lunge into our lane and then get back in time to avoid the railing.

As I said, Dave had the camera and took all the pictures. A couple of years later, I got to see them and wished that I had copies because one of them was of my beloved Mustang at an observation turnout in San Francisco. I realize now that, even though I first inherited my mom's white four-door Rambler after I got my license, and I had the Mustang for several years until 1973, I don't believe I have any pictures of either car. I lost track of Dave in the late 70's, and so I don't know if he still has those pictures from that trip. We stayed with Aunt Jean and Uncle Lloyd in San Leandro, across the bay from San Francisco.

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