About This Blog ~ This blog is about a series of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) super-hero, sci-fi, fantasy adventure novels called Rainbow Arc of Fire. The main characters are imbued with extraordinary abilities. Their exploits are both varied and exciting, from a GLBT and a human perspective. You can follow Greg, Paul, Marina, Joan, William, and Joseph, as well as several others along the way, as they battle extraordinary foes or take on environmental threats all around the globe and even in outer space. You can access synopses of the ten books using the individual links on the upper, left-hand column.

The more recent posts are about events or issues that either are mentioned in one or more books in the series or at least influenced the writing of the series.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Interior, National Airlines DC-8, LAX, 6/10/66

Mike took the picture of me, sitting in the back row of the DC-8. It wasn't a full flight since the aircraft was flying to San Diego before heading east, probably to Houston, so we could sit wherever we wanted. I stared down at the Pacific Ocean so long and so intently during the flight that I became airsick just before we landed. But I had no such problems when we flew back from San Diego that evening on a Delta Airlines DC-8. We would begin to check the flight schedules to find different airlines and aircraft so we would fly as many different ways as we could book over the next couple of years before we both bought cars and then drove to San Diego on a Saturday or Sunday, just to get out of town for a day.

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