About This Blog ~ This blog is about a series of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) super-hero, sci-fi, fantasy adventure novels called Rainbow Arc of Fire. The main characters are imbued with extraordinary abilities. Their exploits are both varied and exciting, from a GLBT and a human perspective. You can follow Greg, Paul, Marina, Joan, William, and Joseph, as well as several others along the way, as they battle extraordinary foes or take on environmental threats all around the globe and even in outer space. You can access synopses of the ten books using the individual links on the upper, left-hand column.

The more recent posts are about events or issues that either are mentioned in one or more books in the series or at least influenced the writing of the series.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gina Martin, Greg, Murphy & Clover

Although these two photographs were developed in Oct 1979, and we're skipping ahead here, this is my neighbor Gina Martin and her dogs Murphy and Clover.  I used to take Clover for a run in the neighborhood.  She was the large Irish Setter.
I found out only later than Clover actually belonged to Gina's ex, and after that first year or so, she eventually arrived and took clover with her.  Murphy would eventually be plagued by back problems and would pass some time in the 1980's, after Gina left the Academy early and took a different assignment.
Gina could be a very stubborn officer, with very strongly held convictions; and she managed to make a few enemies at the Academy in the English Department.  After only about two years there, she and they agreed to part ways and let her continue her career elsewhere.
It was Gina who let me know that some members of the department were back stabbers and very malicious toward me, even before the scandal erupted in the summer of 1979.
I suppose that what I learned about others disillusioned and disappointed me somewhat about the environment at the Academy.  The department, in fact probably all departments, were filled with highly competitive and even cut-throat individuals, looking to advance their careers, even at the expense of others.  Our small incoming group of instructors was probably more unfortunate than others.  I was forced to resign after one year.  Gina left after two years.  John Dubler decided to leave the service and become a minister.  Because of that attrition, one of those remaining, Bruce Deggie, was the one selected to get a Phd and return to the Academy to teach for a much longer time.  That, more than likely, would have been me had I not screwed it all up. 

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